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Apart from an occasional stock photo, all articles, logos and photos are owned and taken by Fumble Folks and as such, you may not copy, re-use, make changes or sell any of the articles, graphics or photos on this website. Any attempt to do so is illegal and a breach of copyright law.

If you wish to use any photos displayed on the website, please contact us directly using the contact form, a link to which can be found in the menu above.


Whilst all information on this website is true to our best knowledge and correct at the time of publishing, things change over time. If you find that some information is out of date, then please feel free to contact us and let us know.

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Any information which you choose to make available to Fumble Folks Ltd such as names and email addresses will be kept 100% confidential and will be only used to contact you directly if you request it. This website is GDPR compliant.

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Terms & Conditions

Fumble Folks encourages engagement from the ttrpg community, however, we do not tolerate offensive, derogatory or racist comments at any time. These will be deleted immediately. The same is true for Spam.

Affiliate Marketing Disclosure Policy

Occasionally Fumble Folks Ltd will choose to promote a product or a service that we love using ourselves. We will gain a small commission if you were to go on to purchase this at no additional cost to yourself. This is affiliate marketing and it will always be disclosed when the link is an affiliate link. The money generated from this source of income goes towards the running of the website and general day-to-day costs of running ttrpg games online.